Admin API v2 (Current)

This page contains all endpoints for the Admin API v2.

Some calls require your API Key to be sent via the X-Reseller-Api-Key header, those not requiring the API Key will be marked as so. A 401 UNAUTHORIZED status code will be sent back if credentials are missing. All the requests needs to have the port 9534.

GET /reseller/admin/v2/provider/(provider_uuid)/fips/avaialble
GET /reseller/admin/v2/fips/avaialble

Returns the used floating IPs in the given provider, if none is provided, returns the floating IPs of the default provider.

  • provider_id – ID of the Provider to retrieve.
Status Codes:

Example Response

    "available_ips": 3,
    "total_ips": 240,
    "used_ips": 237
GET /reseller/admin/v2/providers/

Returns a list of Providers your Clients can use to create Resources.

Status Codes:

Example Response

    "providers": [
            "country_ref": "ca",
            "name": "Ormuco-MTL",
            "uuid": "9e45dd64-a2ff-4da3-b70c-cd34c7962a1c"
POST /reseller/admin/v2/api_key/

Returns your API Key.

If the reseller user has 2FA activated, please send dual_key or dual_recovery_key params to validate 2FA.

Request JSON Object:
  • user_name (str) – Your login username (E-Mail address).
  • password (str) – Your account password.
  • dual_key (str) – 2FA code from an app. *Required when 2FA is activated.
  • dual_recovery_key (str) – 2FA recovery key from an app. *Required when 2FA is activated.
Status Codes:

Example Request

  "user_name": "",
  "password": "p4SSw0rd"

Example Response

    "api_key": "4ec775af-8ae5-464d-aeec-11c3add476ac",
    "date_created": "2018-08-27T17:50:48+00:00"


This API does not use the X-Reseller-Api-Key header.


Params dual_key or dual_recovery_key are required when the reseller has 2FA activated. Only one from two is required.

PUT /reseller/admin/v2/api_key/

Create or regenerate your API Key.

If the reseller user has 2FA activated, please send dual_key or dual_recovery_key params to validate 2FA.


This will revoke your previous API Key. Be sure to update your client’s configuration after calling this API.

Request JSON Object:
  • username (str) – Your login username (E-Mail address).
  • password (str) – Your account password.
  • dual_key (str) – 2FA code from an app. *Required when 2FA is activated.
  • dual_recovery_key (str) – 2FA recovery key from an app. *Required when 2FA is activated.
Status Codes:

Example Request

  "username": "",
  "password": "p4SSw0rd"

Example Response

    "api_key": "31fea160-1101-453b-badc-775b49d1019d",
    "created_date": "2018-10-02T22:28:19.560867+00:00"


This API does not use the X-Reseller-Api-Key header.


Params dual_key or dual_recovery_key are required when the reseller has 2FA activated. Only one from two is required.

GET /reseller/admin/v2/providers/(provider_id)/

Returns the details of a given Provider.

  • provider_id – ID of the Provider to retrieve.
Status Codes:

Example Response

    "provider": {
        "country_ref": "ca",
        "is_private": false,
        "name": "Ormuco-MTL",
        "os_version": "pike",
        "public_api_url": "",
        "uuid": "9e45dd64-a2ff-4da3-b70c-cd34c7962a1c"