Admin API v1

This page contains all endpoints for the Admin API v1.

Some calls require your API Key to be sent via the X-Reseller-Api-Key header, those not requiring the API Key will be marked as so. A 401 UNAUTHORIZED status code will be sent back if credentials are missing. All the requests needs to have the port 9534.

GET /reseller/admin/v1/providers/

Returns a list of Providers your Clients can use to create Resources.

Status Codes:

Example Response

  "providers": [
      "id": "b2bcd8ab-51f9-4894-8037-1f5b061387d3",
      "name": "Ormuco NA",
      "os_version": "mitaka",
      "public_api_url": "",
      "is_private": false
POST /reseller/admin/v1/api_key/

Returns your API Key.

Request JSON Object:
  • username (str) – Your login username (E-Mail address).
  • password (str) – Your account password.
Status Codes:

Example Request

  "username": "",
  "password": "p4SSw0rd"

Example Response

  "api_key": "eca7eb7e-434e-4b57-887f-1d9b25994e2d",
  "date_created": "2017-10-03T15:33:22.364523+00:00"


This API does not use the X-Reseller-Api-Key header.

PUT /reseller/admin/v1/api_key/

Create or regenerate your API Key.


This will revoke your previous API Key. Be sure to update your client’s configuration after calling this API.

Request JSON Object:
  • username (str) – Your login username (E-Mail address).
  • password (str) – Your account password.
Status Codes:

Example Request

  "username": "",
  "password": "p4SSw0rd"

Example Response

  "api_key": "4f89d66b-3ae0-424a-b37a-a12c5fd2af06",
  "date_created": "2017-10-03T15:33:22.364523+00:00"


This API does not use the X-Reseller-Api-Key header.

GET /reseller/admin/v1/providers/(provider_id)/

Returns the details of a given Provider.

  • provider_id – ID of the Provider to retrieve.
Status Codes:

Example Response

  "provider": {
      "id": "b2bcd8ab-51f9-4894-8037-1f5b061387d3",
      "name": "Ormuco NA",
      "os_version": "mitaka",
      "public_api_url": "",
      "is_private": false

Ormuco objects types and descriptions

A description of the different type of objects used in the Ormuco platform and returned by the API.


Attribute Type Description
id string Main identifier of the provider.
name string The name of the provider.
os_version string The Openstack version of the provider.
public_api_url string
The public API endpoint to communicate with the Openstack
represented by this provider.
is_private boolean Whether the provider is private.