Account API v1

This page contains all endpoints for the Account API v1.

Every call requires your API Key to be sent via the X-Reseller-Api-Key header. A 401 UNAUTHORIZED status code will be sent back if credentials are missing. All the requests needs to have the port 9534.

GET /reseller/account/v1/clients/

Returns a list of your Clients.

Query Parameters:
  • provider_id – Filter for a specific Provider.
Status Codes:

Example Response

  "clients": [
      "activated": true,
      "billing_status": "VALID",
      "date_created": "2017-09-20T20:34:51.944000+00:00",
      "date_deleted": null,
      "date_first_activation": null,
      "default_project_id": "e5ae2595-239d-4aad-86cc-0d184b75b76a",
      "deleted": false,
      "email": "",
      "id": "c92f5f1c-a838-4d9b-9eec-af738d2381ec",
      "projects": [
      "reseller_id": "37c5c8f1-03e0-4538-969f-6384e8fde6e6",
      "signup_ip_address": "",
      "validated": true,
      "client_information": {
        "first_name": "Bill",
        "last_name": "Gates",
        "company": "Microsoft",
        "address_1": "1835 73rd Ave",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "Medina",
        "state": "Washington",
        "country": "United States",
        "zip_code": "98039",
        "phone": "514 3636",
        "phone_extension": "",
        "language": "en"
GET /reseller/account/v1/clients/(client_id)/providers/(provider_id)/resources/

Returns a list of Resources used by a given Client on a given Provider, separated by Projects.

  • client_id – ID of the Client to retrieve Resources for.
  • provider_id – ID of the Provider to get used Resources on.
Status Codes:

Example Response

    "name":"Ormuco NA",
GET /reseller/account/v1/clients/(client_id)/projects/(project_id)/resources/

Returns a list of Resources used by a given Client on a given Project.

  • client_id – ID of the Client to retrieve Resources for.
  • project_id – ID of the Project to get used Resources on.
Status Codes:

Example Response

      "server_snapshots": [
GET /reseller/account/v1/clients/(client_id)/providers/

Returns Providers currently used by a given Client as well as all Projects in each Provider.

  • client_id – ID of the Client to retrieve Providers for.
Status Codes:

Example Response

  "providers": [
      "id": "3b584b95-eeec-4d8b-bf6e-e3ef6f439948",
      "name": "Ormuco NA",
      "projects": [
          "id": "024c2b6d-cbb8-4056-9d3f-8055fa86659c",
          "name": ""
GET /reseller/account/v1/clients/(client_id)/resources/

Returns a list of Resources used by a given Client separated by Provider and Project.

  • client_id – ID of the Client to retrieve Resources for.
Status Codes:

Example Response

  "providers": [
      "id": "41662b77-abb5-4a01-8ae1-475f01a7bcb9",
      "name": "Ormuco NA",
      "projects": [
          "id": "0625cf04-6658-4df9-8181-4daf72ecf0fc",
          "name": "",
          "resources": {
            "dns_zones": [
                "end_date": null,
                "id": "5eebdccb-cda1-4bbb-989d-80b56a07ddea",
                "name": "",
                "start_date": "2017-10-05T19:26:17.588000+00:00"
            "floating_ips": [
                "end_date": null,
                "id": "292e88e1-3c7f-4da9-88f4-2864e3602ba5",
                "ip_address": "",
                "start_date": "2017-10-05T19:23:39.695000+00:00"
            "load_balancers": [
                "end_date": null,
                "id": "f6f2c575-56e7-41dd-bfc4-de8be0cdd958",
                "name": "LoadBalancer1",
                "start_date": "2017-10-05T19:24:31.542000+00:00"
            "object_storage": {
              "bytes_used": 41187770,
              "container_count": 1,
              "object_count": 3,
              "sample_date": "2017-10-06T15:54:55.852000+00:00"
            "server_snapshots": [
                "end_date": null,
                "id": "9645b1cb-6155-40f2-aa71-b69a0f7e805d",
                "name": "Snapshot1-2017-10-05",
                "server_id": "530f4e98-96f8-4eb4-8ade-7846ce8dfd34",
                "size_bytes": 10737418240,
                "start_date": "2017-10-05T19:24:11.590000+00:00"
            "servers": [
                "end_date": null,
                "flavor": "general.pico.linux",
                "id": "530f4e98-96f8-4eb4-8ade-7846ce8dfd34",
                "name": "MyServer",
                "start_date": "2017-10-05T19:22:41+00:00"
            "volume_snapshots": [
                "end_date": null,
                "id": "4748a559-9f22-404a-bfcd-298416a1270e",
                "name": "VolumeSnap1",
                "size_gb": 3,
                "start_date": "2017-10-05T20:36:46+00:00",
                "volume_id": "34fd17b8-8ad8-4ef6-8c50-1ee7c106205e"
            "volumes": [
                "end_date": null,
                "id": "34fd17b8-8ad8-4ef6-8c50-1ee7c106205e",
                "name": "MyVolume",
                "size_gb": 3,
                "start_date": "2017-10-05T19:22:53+00:00",
                "volume_type": "e4bc323c-ccb6-4882-98ad-ff39814f0427"
            "vpn_site_connections": [
                "end_date": null,
                "id": "21847d6b-7236-46d0-9587-71a61b27be57",
                "name": "VPN1",
                "start_date": "2017-10-05T19:31:53.251000+00:00"
GET /reseller/account/v1/clients/(client_id)/projects/

Returns a list of Projects for the given Client.

  • client_id – ID of the Client to retrieve Projects for.
Status Codes:

Example Response

  "projects": [
      "id": "904306e8-a917-4827-ad58-629bb3b19645",
      "provider": "f71861bd-be1b-42e4-9876-5d44c365d34c",
      "name": "my-other-project"
GET /reseller/account/v1/clients/(client_id)/

Returns the details of a specific Client.

  • client_id – ID of the Client to be retrieved.
Status Codes:

Example Response

  "client": {
    "activated": true,
    "billing_status": "VALID",
    "date_created": "2017-10-01T10:39:12.548264+00:00",
    "date_deleted": null,
    "date_first_activation": null,
    "default_project_id": "8acd5a36-fdfa-4e58-9dd1-2e85d23102cd",
    "deleted": false,
    "email": "",
    "id": "4dd72094-97dc-49af-98a0-310aecb31f3d",
    "projects": [
    "reseller_id": "f55ecde5-66cc-4110-a27c-245724a76f23",
    "signup_ip_address": "",
    "validated": true,
    "client_information": {
      "first_name": "Bill",
      "last_name": "Gates",
      "company": "Microsoft",
      "address_1": "1835 73rd Ave",
      "address_2": "",
      "city": "Medina",
      "state": "Washington",
      "country": "United States",
      "zip_code": "98039",
      "phone": "514 3636",
      "phone_extension": "",
      "language": "en"

Ormuco objects types and descriptions

A description of the different type of objects used in the Ormuco platform and returned by the API.


Attribute Type Description
activated boolean
Whether this client is activated or not. An
activated client can use Portal and communicate
with Openstack.
billing_status string
A status describing the current situation of a
client relative to his billing.
date_created string The date of creation of the client.
date_deleted string
The date of deletion of this client, if the client
has been deleted.
date_first_activation string The date of the first activation of the client.
default_project_id string The project id of the default project of the client.
deleted boolean Whether the client has been deleted.
email string The e-mail address of the client.
id string Main identifier of the client.
projects array
A list of the project ids accessible to the client.
Include projects shared through user collaboration.
reseller_id string The id of the reseller owning the client.
signup_ip_address string The IP address used by the client when he signed up.
validated boolean Whether the client has validated his e-mail.
client_information object
An object containing private information relative
to the client.
└ first_name string The first name of the client.
└ last_name string The last name of the client.
└ company string The name of the company the client belongs to.
└ address_1 string The first line of the address of the client.
└ address_2 string The second line of the address of the client.
└ city string The name of the city of the client.
└ state string The name of the country state of the client.
└ country string The name of the country of the client.
└ zip_code string The zip code of the client.
└ phone string The phone number of the client.
└ phone_extension string The phone extension of the client.
└ language string The language of the client (abbreviated to 2 letters).